The Software Behind Biometric Time Keeping

Article written by Cross Loader

Biometrics might sound like a trendy buzzword, but it’s fast becoming reality for corporations and small businesses looking for an affordable way to track time. Biometric time clocks offer a level of security that other clock systems can’t provide. Biometrics not only prevent fraudulent “buddy punches”, where workers clock in for one another, the cloud backup system also helps to reduce the probability that employment data will be lost in a data breach.

All of those services require a software infrastructure to support it. We’ll explore what time keeping software is designed for, and how the end user interacts with it.

A User Interface for Timekeeping

Payroll has two major problems to solve: it needs to track hours for accountability, and it needs to provide employees some level of access to those hours worked. New time clock software that utilizes the cloud solves some of those problems.

With a cloud application, users can log in and observe the hours they’ve worked and note absences accordingly. Greater access means they can inform HR and payroll when there is a discrepancy, which will help cut down on the time it takes to resolve those problems later. Users can also see their sick and vacation time, and each has his or her own personal login so data is kept private.


Another major component to any application is a team’s ability to use it as needed. Someone has to learn it, and others need to be able to support it if something goes wrong. That’s another great benefit employers receive when they upgrade to a Web-based system.

An outside support team offers additional coverage if things go wrong. They can assist your people in configuring or troubleshooting the software, and they offer one other important benefit. Additional support means updates to the software, which can affect security. Out-of-date software tends to be scrutinized for security holes, which give hackers an easy way into your business. Free upgrades typically come with support packages, so always be sure you ask for one.

Worth the Upgrade?

The size of a business is irrelevant when you’re asking this question because this kind of system can scale easily, and typically requires only a small investment to add new users. It’s actually a great idea for businesses just starting out because it gets your payroll personnel working with tools that can grow with you. If payroll is a concern, and it is for most American companies, then upgrading your time clock is a must.