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  • Necessary Ecommerce Software

    Necessary Ecommerce Software

    By Angelina Z. One of the best things about owning your own online business is how many options you have for basically making it your own thing. Unlike a brick and mortar version, you can completely customize the way your store looks and feels without having to spend nearly as much money or suffer through…

  • Medical Billing Software Benefits

    Medical Billing Software Benefits

    Computers are new, relatively speaking. With the invention of computers came a few different programs that were capable of performing various tasks. Not too long ago, there was no such thing as medical billing software, or practice management software. Before the introduction of medical billing and practice management software, everything was kept via a paper…

  • A Way to Keep Your Eye on the Pie

    A Way to Keep Your Eye on the Pie

    Computers and high-speed internet have been integrated in to the corporate and academic institutions alike for many years now. The main reason for such is that many institutions now utilize computers and the internet to store and share a vast array of information quickly and reliably. It is no doubt that such developments in technology…

  • Three Tips to getting your app approved by Apple

    Three Tips to getting your app approved by Apple

    If you’re developing an iPhone app and want to increase your odds of getting it approved, you need to know what the mobile app developers Los Angeles know. Here are three tips to help you. 1. Keep it Small Apple is very particular about the amount of resources apps use and how they store data.…

  • Software Teaches Your Computer New Tricks

    Software Teaches Your Computer New Tricks

    It’s likely that even people who don’t own computers have heard the term software. The reality is that practically every American home now has a PC. Software is an integral part of your computer’s chemistry. You can view the motherboard and components as the skeleton and the software would be its muscular and nervous system.…

  • Software For Children – What You Should Know

    Software For Children – What You Should Know

    Computers are all the rage today for people of all ages including children. There are many different types of software that you can choose from when it comes to picking something for your children to enjoy on the computer. Depending on the age of your children you’ll have to take some time to choose software…

  • The Benefits of Online Microsoft Training

    The Benefits of Online Microsoft Training

    Courses like Microsoft Windows 10 training can be very beneficial for those that are in many different types of professions.  There are many great reasons in which would benefit from what online training in these areas can offer you. One of the greatest benefits of being able to take online training courses is that you…

  • Malware Protection Software without Technical Jargon

    Malware Protection Software without Technical Jargon

    Article written by Internet school reviews Today’s woman has placed a lot on her plate: career, family and maintaining a tidy home. So when it comes to using the computer, this busy do-everything-herself woman doesn’t have time to decipher which computer hardware and/or software programs are a good fit for her lifestyle — at least,…

  • Remote Desktop Monitoring

    Remote Desktop Monitoring

    There has been some discussion about the legality of remote desktop monitoring and whether or not it infringes upon anyone’s right to privacy. However, most instances of such monitoring are performed in the home and in the workplace. Parents will sometimes use a program that lets them monitor their children’s online activities. While employers will…

  • Use Better Software for Better Staff

    Use Better Software for Better Staff

    If you want better results from your staff, it’s often necessary to switch to better forms of tech too. There are many examples of this, of course, where you can use better software to leverage your employees’ already impressive talents. However, using something like online time tracking can also be quite beneficial if your staff…

  • The Changing Face of Hardware

    The Changing Face of Hardware

    Quick: what’s the first thing you think of when you hear the word hardware? Probably the toolbox in the garage or the Saturday afternoon trips to pick up nails for a repair project. Well, that was then and this is now. And, now hardware more often than not refers to computers. Computer hardware earned its…

  • How Software Can Actually Hurt You

    How Software Can Actually Hurt You

    By Act Data Services, Inc. 1-800-ACT-DATA Being that it’s the 21st century and that we are already well into the digital age, it makes sense that your company would operate using a wide range of different software platforms. In fact, you may actively hunt out as many as possible in an effort to do better…